Every so often Google updates their algorithm for their massively popular search engine. When they perform such updates, many site owners brace themselves for the worst. After all, Google updates have names just like Florida hurricanes do. In fact , the Google search engine update of 2003 is known as the “Florida Update.” This update alone put businesses out of business in a day.
This time around, Google has been kinder to web masters and website owners by giving them a preview of what’s to come next. They are not just trying to be kind to web masters, but to web searchers too. After all, without the web searchers, they have no business and if web searchers are not happy with search results, they will head off to Bing or Yahoo. Now, that is what Google does not want.
By allowing web masters a sneak peek into Google Caffeine, Google was able to get input from web masters as to what they thought about Caffeine as well as help them iron out any programming bugs. It does seem a bit odd that web masters and Google could get along so well albeit for a brief time.
The main reason the Google updated their search engine is because they want to stay ahead in the search engine game. Google has no plans of being nice in the war for search users. After all, they are a publicly traded company, and they have shareholders to answer to.
Now in defense of Google, a search engine’s job is only getting harder and harder as more and more web pages are being published all over the world in multiple languages everyday. So as you can imagine, speed is of the essence. Thus, Google has appropriately named their latest search engine incarnation, Google Caffeine. It’s the fastest search engine to date.